Download Application Form for Driver’s License (ADL) LTO APL Form

The Land Transportation Office (LTO) usually requires the duly accomplished Application Form for Driver’s License (ADL) in cases of application for a driver’s license, a conductor’s license, or a student permit. Sure, it’s not all that you’ll need, but in cases of license applications, the Application Form for Driver’s License (ADL), also known as Application for Permits and Licenses (APL) form, is one of the many documentary requirements you need to prepare. 

If you wish to save time in securing an Application Form for Driver’s License (ADL) at the LTO Office, then you may opt to download the form from the LTO website directly. Once you have secured it, you may already have it accomplished prior to visiting the LTO office. 

application form driver's license adl apl

What is ADL Form in LTO (APL Form)

The APL or ADL form required in many LTO transactions refer to the Application Form for Driver’s License. It is a form available at LTO offices nationwide, or if you’re tech-savvy, this form is also available online, at the LTO website. 

The ADL form is downloadable online from the LTO website. It was created in January 2021, in a bid to make it easier for the transacting public to fulfill the requirements in many LTO transactions. If the form is downloaded from the LTO website, the actual file size is only 405.62 KB so there’s no need to worry about it taking up too much space on your device or using up too much data from your data bundles. To date, the form has been downloaded 1126684 times. 

What is it for

The ADL Form is an application form used when applying for a new or renewal of a driver’s license, student permit, non-professional license, or professional license in the Philippines. This form is used to register a motor vehicle and obtain a Certificate of Registration and Official Receipt from the LTO. It is also a form used for the following transactions:

How to Use the ADL Form

The ADL form is a pretty straightforward form. It has slots that need to be filled out with personal information that are necessary when applying for a license. Note that you need to be careful when filling out this form as any mistake in the information provided may result in having inaccurate information on your license, which could be quite expensive and time-consuming to correct. 

How Much Does It Cost

The ADL form does not cost anything. The form is available for free, regardless if you are securing it at the LTO branch of your choice or if you are downloading it from the LTO website.

Where To Get It

The LTO APL form is available at any of the LTO offices in the Philippines or at the LTO website, LTO Forms tab ( 

Download APL Form PDF – Application for Permits & Licenses Student Driver’s Permit / Driver’s License / Conductor’s License (APL)

To download a copy of the LTO APL Form, please check this link here –

Below is a photo sample of the said form:

Download LTO ADL Form PDF – Application Form for Driver’s License

To download a copy of the LTO ADL Form, please check this link here –

Below is a photo sample of the said form:


How to Get it

There are two ways to secure the ADL form from the LTO: by visiting any of the LTO offices in the Philippines or by visiting the LTO website and downloading the form online.

Visiting the LTO Office

To secure the ADL form in person, you may follow these steps:

Step 1: Prepare all the other documentary requirements for the transaction you wish to do at the LTO office. 

Step 2: Once the requirements are ready, secure an LTO appointment online. 

Step 3: On the day of the appointment, visit your preferred LTO Office.

Step 4: State your purpose and secure the ADL form at the service counter.

Step 5: Completely accomplish the ADL form and wait for your turn to submit the required documents. 

Downloading from the LTO website

To secure the ADL form online, via the LTO website, you may follow these steps: 

Step 1: Visit the LTO website (www 

Step 2: Click Menu.

Step 3: Click LTO Forms.

Step 4: Scroll down to the Application Form for Driver’s Licenses.

Step 5: Click Download.

Step 6: Choose where you want to save the .pdf file. 

Step 7: Rename the file with your preferred filename.

Step 8: Click Save. 

Important Reminders

For your reference, here are some important reminders to take note of:

  • Downloading the ADL form from the LTO website requires you to have a stable internet connection.
  • Whether you download the form and have it printed by yourself or secure it onsite at the LTO office is not important as long as you get the form accomplished.
  • Downloading the form means you can already have it filled out before visiting the LTO Office.
  • Depending on your transaction, the ADL form will have to be submitted with other types of documentary requirements. 
  • The ADL form is available at the LTO website as APL form. 


The application for licenses is a procedure that can only be done at the LTO Office. The procedures require the applicants to accomplish the APL or ADL form and submit it along with the other documentary requirements. By making it available online, the agency cuts down the time spent by the transacting public in securing the form at the LTO service counters. 

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