The Land Transportation Office (LTO) in the Philippines requires each and everyone who wants to acquire a driver’s license to complete the LTO Theoretical Driving Course (TDC) and pass the LTO Examination. The exam covers questions about the different road scenarios and situations, driving policies, rules and regulations, traffic signs, and certain laws in the Philippines.
To help you refresh your knowledge and test your level of proficiency in taking this written exam, we prepared the LTO Driver’s License Theoretical Driving Examination Reviewer 2023 to give you a feel on what you are going to answer on an actual exam. In this article, we have prepared the Answer Key to the LTO Driver’s License Theoretical Driving Examination Reviewer 2023.

LTO Theoretical Driving Examination Reviewer 2023 Answer Key
Check how well you did against each life-like situation and question in the Theoretical Driving Course exam reviewer using this answer key below:
General Knowledge
A 1. It’s illegal to throw any garbage from your vehicle if it’s not into designated garbage bins. If caught, the fine is Php 500 or an 8-hour community service.
C 2. It’s a violation for PUJ and PUV drivers to converse with their passengers as this limits their concentration on the road and puts them, their passengers, and other road users at a greater risk of being involved in a road accident.
B 3. Any law-enforcement officer in pursuit of a criminal is exempted from the mandatory speed limit.
C 4. All LTO-issued licenses have an indicated vehicle type allowed to be driven, this varies per license classification.
C 5. When driving you should always bring your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and recent LTO payment receipt for the vehicle.
A 6. Upon issuance, a TOP (Temporary Operator’s Permit) could be used for up to 72 hours only.
A 7. Driving recklessly and under the influence of alcohol is a bad trait which may develop into a habit, is illegal, and is putting you and other road users at great risk for accidents.
A 8. Driver’s license with restriction 1 are only allowed to drive motorbikes and motorized tricycles.
A 9. Observe and follow road and traffic signs at all times, even at night, and/or even when traffic is light. They are there for safety and organizational reasons. No time of the day, regardless of absence of traffic enforcers, is a good time to violate rules.
A 10. A motor vehicle is any vehicle that is used on or off-road, and is propelled by a motor engine, powered by either fuel or electricity.
C 11. It’s best to load or unload on designated stations to avoid obstructing other road users.
A 12. Parking at the entrance or exit of a hospital or fire station is illegal. Parking at an entrance or exit of any establishments can also cause obstruction.
B 13. If you’re going to leave your car, it’s best practice to turn off your engine and pull the handbrake.
C 14. Parking on or within a few meters from the approach side of a pedestrian lane will cause your vehicle to obscure pedestrian’s view of the road and obscures the view of incoming drivers.
A 15. Never park on crosswalks or pedestrian lanes. These areas should always remain clear and unobstructed, especially when their green light is on.
A 16. Before leaving a parking space, make sure to look around. Check and see if your driveway is clear from any approaching vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.
A 17. If unsure, blow your horn and cautiously maneuver before making a turn.
B 18. When parking uphill, and you are parallel to the sidewalk, always turn your wheels away from the sidewalk curb. The wheel should gently touch the curb, as it will help to stop the vehicle from rolling backwards just in case your parking brakes fail.
A 19. When parking downhill, always turn wheels away from the sidewalk curb. The wheel should gently touch the curb, as it will help to stop the vehicle from rolling forward just in case your parking brakes fail.
C 20. Doing a pre-trip inspection must be done before hitting the road. This is very important for your safety.
Road And Traffic Rules
A 21. Presidential Decree No. 1865 states that the penalty for speed contests and rallies without official permit is as follows: “Any person who commits any act herein prohibited shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of not less than ₱20,000 but not more than Php 50,000, or imprisonment of at least two years but not more than five years, or both, in the discretion of the court.”
A 22. Provision for this law can be found in R.A. no. 10586. Also known as an Act Penalizing Persons Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs, and Other Similar Substances.
C 23. Provision for this law can be found in R.A. no. 10586. Also known as an Act Penalizing Persons Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs, and Other Similar Substances.
A 24. Never use a privately registered vehicle for hire to transport cargoes or passengers. If needed to carry passengers or cargoes, register your vehicle with the LTFRB (Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board) and LTO (Land Transportation Office).
B 25. Field sobriety tests are standardized tests used to initially assess and determine intoxication. A sobriety test can be the horizontal gaze nystagmus, the walk-and-turn, the one-leg stand. These and other similar tests are determined jointly by the DOH, the NAPOLCOM and the DOTC.
B 26. Overspeeding, and driving/riding without license are the two obvious violations in this scenario.
A 27. R.A. no. 10586 is also known as an Act Penalizing Persons Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs, and Other Similar Substances.
C 28. Never drive an unregistered vehicle or you will have to pay a fine of Php 10,000. More so, if the non-registration exceeds one month, the vehicle will be impounded. It will only be released when the vehicle is registered, and the corresponding fines and penalties have been paid. The director of LTO has the authority to either suspend or revoke your
A 29. driver’s license. Suspension or revocation depends on the gravity of the series of violations you’ve committed within a period of one year.
A 30. Under JAO 2014-01, operators of colorum vehicles are fined respectively: P1 million for buses; P200,000 for PUVs including public utility trucks; P50,000 for jeepneys; P200,000 for vans; P120,000 for sedans; and P6,000 for motorcycles.
C 31. Remember to stop to let pedestrians cross first. Pedestrians have the right-of-way when there is a crosswalk.
C 32. The innermost lane or the lane on the left is also referred to as the passing lane, this lane is intended for faster vehicles.
C 33. Decrease your speed once you recognize an intersection with clogged traffic on the other side. Cross the intersection when you won’t be blocking the intersection or you won’t interfere with traffic lights.
A 34. On roads where there are no designated sidewalks, pedestrians should walk on the side where they could see the opposing traffic. This way, they would see well how traffic is, and immediately react to any danger that might head their way.
A 35. It is not against the law to drive fast, but be sure to follow road speed limits and make sure you don’t endanger yourself and other road users including yourself.
Road Safety While Driving
A 36. When you’re using high-beam lights, maintain a distance of at least 150 meters (500 ft) from any oncoming vehicle to avoid blinding the oncoming driver. If you’re within 60 to 90 meters (200-300 ft) from the vehicle you are following, use low-beam lights. This is a good distance to give you an ample stopping distance.
B 37. Many drivers and riders drive on sidewalks, bike lanes, unpaved roads and so on, but everyone must know that this is actually illegal. These sections of the road are reserved for pedestrians and cyclists.
C 38. Blowing your horn is always a safe way to approach and drive through a curve, especially on a mountain where you do not have a clear sight of oncoming vehicles.
C 39. Failure to turn your headlights on is against the law and worse, would put you and other road users in danger.
C 40. Defensive driving is a set of driving skills that allows you to defend yourself against possible collisions. If you look ahead and keep your eyes moving, you can spot potential hazards caused by bad drivers, drunk drivers, and poor weather more easily.
C 41. When driving through water or flood, start at a slow pace first, or around 2-5 kph. Drive slow and steady, so as not to disturb the water too much which might cause water to enter in the exhaust pipe.
A 42. When a vehicle is tailgating another vehicle, it’s highly possible that he wants to overtake. It is discouraged to overtake this vehicle to avoid chances of an accident.
B 43. Blowing your horn constantly is against the traffic rules. Use it with caution and only if necessary.
A 44. If driving with your headlights on, make sure to dim your headlights when you’re at least 150 meters (500 ft) from any oncoming vehicle. If you’re within 60 to 90 meters (200-300 ft), use low-beam lights.
A 45. Having vision of the wheels of the vehicle you’re following is a good indicator that you’re not too close and has ample and safe stopping distance.
Road Safety During Emergencies
B 46. During a skid, lift your foot off the accelerator and brake pedals, steer gently in the direction you want the vehicle to go to and be careful not to step hard on the brake.
A 47. On the actual LTO exam reviewer, the answer is “a”. However, in case of a car breakdown, it is safer to carefully get out of the car and have other passengers get out on the opposite side to the passing traffic.
C 48. Do all you can to allow an ambulance carrying a patient, a fire truck on a mission, or a police vehicle in pursuit of a criminal to pass. Pulling to the right gives the ambulance more room, while slowing down prolongs their driving time by trying to overtake.
C 49. You must always carry an EWD (Early Warning Device) so you can warn other road users if and when you are stalled or your vehicle is disabled This is a good measure to protect you, and other road users.
C 50. The proper way of installing an Early Warning Device is to put it at 4 meters away from the back and from the front of the stalled vehicle. This measure makes it easier and earlier for other road users to understand the situation so they can avoid you.
Road Signs And Markings
C 51. This sign warns of a crossroad ahead.
A 52. This sign means that animals are not allowed to cross the road.
A 53. This is a warning sign that there is a dangerous curve ahead on the road.
B 54. This sign prohibits all vehicles towing a trailer from entering the road.
A 55. This sign means blowing your horn is prohibited.
B 56. Two parallel yellow lines indicate that overtaking in both directions is extremely hazardous. Stay within your lane until you pass the end of the solid lines.
B 57. This sign warns of a steep uphill gradient ahead.
C 58. This is a Stop sign. Prepare to stop when you see this road sign.
B 59. When you see a white line sloping toward another lane it means the road will narrow and traffic will merge ahead.
C 60. Crossing a broken white line doesn’t violate any traffic rule, just be cautious that it’s safe and that you won’t interfere or obstruct traffic.
Downloading the LTO Theoretical Driving Course (TDC) Exam Reviewer Answer Key PDF file
To check how well you did in the mock TDC exam, you may download and print this Answer Key made available in PDF format, in case you prefer to review using the pen-and-paper approach when studying. Please see the download link below:
LTO Theoretical Driving Course (TDC) Exam Reviewer Answer Key PDF file
Did you do well? The LTO TDC reviewer was designed give you an idea on the LTO’s actual TDC exam. This Answer Key, on the other hand, presents how the LTO expects you to understand the principles of driving, as well as the kind of answers expected on the questions and situations described on the real exam. Do note that you will need to get thirty (30) out of forty (40) correct answers for the nonprofessional driver exam, or forty-five (45) out of sixty (60) if you are a professional driver’s license applicant. In order to be able to give the correct and appropriate responses, read and understand each situation carefully. The test will not be timed, too, so remember not to rush and take your time to understand the questions before answering them. Good luck!