What is the Periodic Medical Examination (PME) LTO? 

The Periodic Medical Examination (PME) is a periodic medical exam required by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) from all driver’s license holders whose license has five- or ten-year validity. As the name suggests, it is a periodic exam done in any LTO-accredited medical clinic or government health facility to ensure that the drivers remain physically and mentally fit for the extended duration of the license.

As of April 2023, however, the obligatory periodic medical exam has been scrapped by the agency. According to the LTO chief, it was unnecessary as “there’s no empirical data saying that the periodic medical examination could prevent road crashes.” He also said that this new policy will save the drivers from the expenses, the time, and the trouble of having to go back for these unnecessary medical examinations.

Periodic Medical Examination (PME) LTO

What is LTO PME?

PME refers to the Periodic Medical Examination mandated by the LTO from holders of driver’s licenses with five- to ten-year validity. Its primary objective is to assess the physical and mental fitness of drivers, ensuring they are in optimal condition to operate vehicles safely on the roads.

The drivers are supposed to secure a medical clearance as well, and these medical clearances are different from the regular medical examinations required during the application or renewal processes of driver’s licenses.

Benefits of the Obligatory PME

Having the drivers whose license have extended validity go through the obligatory periodic medical examination comes with the following benefits:

Road Safety

The PME ensures that the drivers are still in the same good health as when they secured the license. Doing so will significantly contribute to road safety. Plus, it helps detect any health issues early on and helps prevent accidents caused by medical emergencies.

Driver Wellness

PME promotes driver wellness by addressing health concerns that could impact performance on the road. Regular checkups encourage a proactive approach to healthcare.

Public Safety

Healthy drivers contribute to a safer road environment for all road users. PME is a crucial step in upholding public safety standards.

Legal Basis and Guidelines for Carrying Out the PME

According to Section 3 of the LTO Memorandum Circular 2021-2285 or the Supplemental Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10930, all holders of licenses with extended validity must observe the following guidelines:

  • Those drivers who have been issued with a 5-year driver’s license must undergo a periodic medical examination within their third birthday since the license was issued. 
  • Driver’s with a 10-year driver’s license must be checked up on the fourth and seventh birthdate since the license was issued. 
  • In both instances, licensees may undergo the PME within sixty (60) days before the specified birthdate.
  • The mandatory periodic medical examination(s) (PME) must be carried out during the validity period of their license in any LTO-accredited medical clinic or government health facility to ensure their fitness for the extended duration of the license. 
  • All LTO-accredited medical clinics shall comply with Section 4(a)(2) of Republic Act No. 7432, as amended by the Republic Act Nos. 9257 and 9994, which provides that all senior citizens shall be entitled to the grant of twenty percent (20%) discount and exemption from the value added tax on medical services, diagnostic and laboratory fees in all private hospitals, medical facilities, and outpatient clinics.
  • The registered physician who performs the medical examination during the application for new license or renewal may prescribe a more frequent PME schedule, depending on the following:
    • licensee’s age
    • existing medical condition
    • medical history
    • previous injuries
    • other physical or mental impairment/s that may worsen during the validity of the driver’s license. 
  • The registered physician is expected to determine whether the licensee has developed any physical or mental condition or illness that is likely to interfere with the driver’s ability to control and operate a motor vehicle safely. 
  • Licensees undergoing the PME will be examined in accordance with the following medical examination guidelines set by the LTO under Memorandum Circular No. 2018-2157:
    • The licensee must personally fill out the Driver’s Medical Evaluation form and provide the following:
      • personal information 
      • complete a brief health history 
      • authorize the processing of his/her medical information
      • Certification under penalty of perjury that the information provided is true and complete
      • His/her agreement, as data subject, to the collection and processing of personal information about and/or relating to him or her which shall be evidenced by his/her signature, written or electronic.
    • The licensee may have the medical clinic staff take his vital signs 
    • The trained medical clinic staff may also perform optional blood typing if the applicant’s blood type and/or Rl1 factor are unknown.
    • The registered physician must take utmost consideration to the licensee’s diagnosis, treatment, and level of functional impairment, if any. 
    • An in-depth examination shall be necessary if the licensee is deemed to have lapses of consciousness, diabetes, dementia, cognitive impairments or any other medical condition that may interfere with the driver’s ability to control and safely operate a motor vehicle safely.
  • The registered physician must also individually conduct a physical examination in accordance with accepted medical standards to assess the following:
    • Completeness, 
    • mobility and range of motion of extremities
    • Visual acuity
    • peripheral vision
    • glare sensitivity 
    • sensitivity function 
    • Hearing acuity
    • Mental, nervous, organic, or functional disease 
    • psychiatric disorder 
  • When the physician determines that the licensee remains as physically fit and medically qualified to drive a motor vehicle, then he will issue a completed medical certificate in the prescribed form reflecting his findings.

The Current Mandate regarding PME

Earlier in April 2023, the LTO had announced that the Periodic Medical Examination (PME) required from licensees with five- and ten-year validity are no longer necessary. The decision to amend the Memorandum Circular 2021-2285, according to the LTO chief, was based on data and consultations.

Under the amended circular, the following guidelines will be observed instead: 

  • Medical examinations will only be required during the application of a new driver’s license and the renewal of an existing license. 
  • Only one medical exam is required for the renewal of a driver’s license. 
  • Licensees who will be issued a five-year validity driver’s license and 10-year validity driver’s license, shall only be required to get a medical examination 60 days prior to or on the specified renewal date.
  • Filipino driver’s license holders working abroad are required to have a medical exam within 30 days upon their arrival in the Philippines before they are allowed to drive in the country.

Video: LTO Scraps the Obligatory Periodic Medical Exam for Five- and Ten-Year License Holders

Learn more about the abolition of the mandatory Periodic Medical Examination by watching this video from Riko Gala:



In the dynamic landscape of road safety, the Philippines Land Transportation Office (LTO PH) has issued licenses with longer validity. Along with this, they required Periodic Medical Exams (PME) from the drivers who will be receiving these licenses in an effort to ensure the physical and mental well-being of drivers and maintain a high standard of public safety.

Despite the good intentions, however, the PME proved to be nothing but an additional restriction for the enjoyment of the privilege to drive, hence the agency decided to totally scrap the need for PME, starting April 2023. To date, the only mandatory health checkup required by the LTO PH from drivers are the ones required upon application and renewal of their driver’s licenses. 

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