How to Change Vehicle Classification in LTO

Just as how driver’s licenses can change classifications, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) also allows vehicles to change their classification depending on its purpose and common usage. This type of service is offered by the agency, in case a car owner decides to use his private vehicle in ways other than for personal use. It also defines the distinction between vehicles, identifying the differences between “passenger truck” and “passenger automobile,” for instance. In case of dispute, however, the Director of Public Works shall determine the classification to which any special type of motor vehicle belongs.

In the advent of car-sharing services like Grab, knowing the process for changing vehicle classification, particularly from Private to For Hire, has become an important procedure that many drivers, car owners, and operators need to know. In this guide, we outlined the complete requirements and procedures to help make it easier for you. 

how to change vehicle classification in lto

What are LTO Vehicle Classifications

If driver’s license classifications define the types of driver’s license that can be acquired depending on age, competency and purpose, vehicle classifications are on an entirely different level. Technically, there are numerous criteria and class types for vehicles like purpose, load-carrying capacity, fuel, number of wheels, transmission system, and even the power source. For our purposes, this guide will only talk about vehicle classifications that can be changed according to the LTO. 

Different LTO Vehicle Classifications

As mentioned above, there are different classes of vehicle classifications. In this section, we defined the different vehicle classifications as identified by the LTO.

Private vehicles

This class of motor vehicle refers to the motor vehicles bought for the purpose of nothing more than personal use. This type does not take in passengers or cargoes and is not being used to earn money or make a living. 

Vehicles for hire

Vehicles for hire are the types of vehicles used to earn a living. This refers to vehicles that are either used to carry passengers or used for transportation of goods from one place to another. This type covers vehicles ranging from light to heavy vehicles and are used as either a passenger vehicle like cars, buses, taxis, etc. or as a commercial vehicle, like trucks, tempos, and containers, among others.

Government vehicles

Government vehicles, as the name suggests, are vehicles owned and used by the government for official purposes. This type refers to vehicles owned by either a government entity or a national government agency and its instrumentalities and is characterized by markings that reads, “For Official Use Only” on each side. This type is only allowed for use on official business, with an authorized “trip ticket,” which contains the destination, purpose, and duration of travel. Note that motor vehicles owned by Government employees or by foreign governments are not considered government motor vehicles.

Diplomatic vehicles

Diplomatic vehicles are motor vehicles dedicated as a special provision to foreign missions, diplomats, diplomatic officers, and consular officers. They bear the diplomatic license plates and are issued to accredited diplomats The vehicles under this type are characterized by blue on white diplomatic plates. It is protected by Art. 22 of the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and is immune from search, requisition, attachment, or execution.

Other exempt motor vehicles (OEV)

Other exempt vehicles (OEVs) refer to a classification of vehicles for Vehicle registration plates of the Philippines. Examples of OEVs include vehicles from Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority (SBMA), Clark Development Corporation (CDC), and Cagayan Export Zone Authority (CEZA). 

Benefits of Changing Vehicle Classification at LTO

Being able to change vehicle classification at will means enjoying the following benefits: 

  • You may convert your private vehicle into one that can be used to earn money (for hire)
  • Depending on the class, you may be able to save some money on taxes and other fees
  • It gives you freedom to decide what you want to use your motor vehicle for

Eligibility to Change Vehicle Classification at LTO

Anyone who owns a registered motor vehicle and who intends to change his vehicle classification are welcome to do so, provided that he can present all the requirements and pay all the fees.

Requirements for Changing Vehicle Classification at LTO

Depending on the type of change in vehicle classification, the following is a list of documents that the applicant needs to prepare. 

General Requirements

The basic requirements include the following:

  • Original Certificate of Registration (CR) / certification that the original Certificate of Registration – Encumbered (CRE) is with the financing company and that it poses no objection on the application for change classification (Private to For Hire)
  • LTO Copy or electronically transmitted appropriate insurance Certificate of Cover (COC)

Additional Requirements

The need for additional documents may vary depending on the type of class and class change the car owner wishes to apply for. For your convenience, here’s a list of the additional requirements per type of change in MV class.

Private to For Hire

  • One (1) copy of Decision or valid Motorized Tricycle Operator’s Permit (MTOP)
  • Electronic confirmation of LTFRB franchise

For Hire to Private

  • Original Dropping Order with Official Receipt (OR)
  • Original Receipt of Return Plate and Licenses (RRPL)

Private to Government

Private to Exempt

  • Endorsement certifying that the individual or diplomatic corps are tax exempt
  • Original Deed of Sale / Deed of Donation and Acceptance.
  • Original Philippine National Police – Highway Patrol Group (PNP-HPG) Motor Vehicle Clearance Certificate, Macro-etching report and Special Bank Receipt (SBR)
  • Original Receipt of Return Plate and Licenses (RRPL)

Exempt to Private

  • Original Endorsement for cancellation of exemption with control number (verify exact terms of the endorsement)
  • Original Certificate of Payment
  • Original Receipt of Return Plate and Licenses (RRPL)
  • Original Philippine National Police – Highway Patrol Group (PNP-HPG) Motor Vehicle Clearance Certificate
  • Macro-etching report
  • Special Bank Receipt (SBR)

Exempt to Exempt

  • Original Endorsement for cancellation of exemption with control number (verify exact terms of the endorsement)
  • Original Receipt of Return Plate and Licenses (RRPL)
  • Original Philippine National Police – Highway Patrol Group (PNP-HPG) Motor Vehicle Clearance Certificate
  • Macro-etching report
  • Special Bank Receipt (SBR)

How to File Application for Change in Vehicle Classification

Changing your vehicle classification from one class to another is a simple process. It does require submission of a certain set of documentary requirements, depending on the type of change you wish to make, but the procedures for doing so remain the same.

To apply for a change in classification for your vehicle, you may follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the designated LTO Office (whether a Public Utility Vehicle Registration Center (PUVRC), Public Utility Vehicle Registration Extension Center (PUVREC), Diliman District Office, or an LTO District / Extension Office) stated on Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) duly issued by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) as venue of registration. 

Step 2: Secure a queue number at the LTO officer-in-charge and wait for your turn.

Step 3: Once your number is called, proceed to the transaction counters. 

Step 4: Submit all the required documents to the Evaluator for evaluation and computation of LTO fees.

Step 5: Once the evaluation is completed, get the actual inspection of motor vehicles with duly accomplished Motor Vehicle Inspection Report (MVIR) done.

Step 6: Once the MVIR is ready, proceed to the queue for the cashier window and wait for your turn.

Step 7: Once your name is called, pay for the necessary fees and secure an Official Receipt (OR).

Step 8: Once done, proceed to the Releasing Counter.

Step 9: Present the OR to get the new Certificate of Registration (CR), plates, stickers, and other requested documents.

Step 10: Once you have received the CR and other relevant documents, signs in the CR log book.

Where to File Application for Change in Vehicle Classification

In the case of change classification of a motor vehicle from “private” to “for-hire” the application shall be filed in the LTO District Office indicated in the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) duly issued by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) as venue of registration. This can be done through either a Public Utility Vehicle Registration Center (PUVRC), Public Utility Vehicle Registration Extension Center (PUVREC), and any other LTO District or Extension Office in the region. For change in vehicle classification from Private to Exempt, Exempt to Private, and Exempt to Exempt, the transactions can only be done at the Diliman District Office. 

Cost of Change in Vehicle Classification

The change of classification will require applicants to pay a total of One Hundred Fifty Pesos (P150.00) as change classification sticker fee in addition to the other regular charges.

Important Reminders

For your reference, here are some things you need to remember when applying for a change in vehicle classification, regardless of type:

  • For private to for hire vehicle class, the same number plates shall be retained but instead only a for-hire sticker indicating the MV classification shall be issued. 
  • Changes in vehicle classification from Private to Exempt, Exempt to Private, and Exempt to Exempt can only be done at the LTO Diliman District Office. 
  • Other changes related to vehicle class needs to be done at the LTO Office indicated in the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) issued by the LTFRB as venue of registration.

Video: Guide on the Requirements for Changing Vehicle Class in LTO

Learn more about the requirements and procedures on how to change vehicle class in LTO by watching this video from MamiZang Vlogs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To help make your application for change in vehicle classification as painless as possible, we rounded up the most common questions and answers related to it.

1.  What are the different vehicle classifications that car owners may or may shift to?

There are five types of vehicle classifications. These includes:

  • Private Vehicles
  • For Hire Vehicles
  • Government Vehicles
  • Diplomatic Vehicles
  • Other Exempt Vehicles (OEV)

2. What kind of vehicle class change can I apply for?

There are several options for changing vehicle classifications. The change can be any of the following:

  • From Private to For Hire
  • From For Hire to Private
  • From Private to Government
  • From Private to Exempt
  • From Exempt to Private
  • From Exempt to Exempt

3. How much does the change in vehicle class cost?

The costs of changing vehicle class includes the change classification sticker fee amounting to P150.00. Depending on whether you are applying for other LTO transactions, you may have to pay additional fees as well.

4. Where can I apply for a change in vehicle classification?

Applications for change in vehicle classifications can be filed in the LTO District Office indicated in the Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) duly issued by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) as venue of registration. This transaction can also be done through either a Public Utility Vehicle Registration Center (PUVRC), Public Utility Vehicle Registration Extension Center (PUVREC), and any other LTO District or Extension Office in the region. Changes in vehicle classification from Private to Exempt, Exempt to Private, and Exempt to Exempt, however, can only be done at the LTO Diliman District Office. 

5. For questions or concerns, who should I reach out to?

For questions regarding LTO change in motor vehicle classification, you may reach out to:

Land Transportation Office (LTO)

LTMS portal: Visit the LTO’s official website via the Land Transport Management System (LTMS) portal and fill out their Contact Us form at
Phone call: You may contact them at their telephone number (632) 922-9061 to 66.
Email: You may also send them an email at
LTO Text Hotline Service: You may use LTO’s nationwide SMS service for drivers and vehicle owners by typing LTOHELP and sending it to 2600
LTO office: For information, you may check the LTO branch offices closest to you.


Changing the vehicle classification may not seem like an important service, but in this age when money is hard to come by, being able to use your private vehicle as a source of income or changing it into something that requires less tax payments are kind of a big deal. Not only does it help you save money, but it also gives you the freedom to do whatever you want with your vehicle whenever you please. This kind of freedom is a privilege offered by the LTO to car owners. Plus, it’s a simple transaction with minimal requirements, making it more easily accessible to those who want to change their vehicle class at the LTO.

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