LTO Exam Reviewer Guide to Aspiring Filipino Drivers

An LTO Exam Reviewer is designed to help users prepare for and pass their LTO exam, and consequently, their application for a driver’s license in any of the LTO branches nationwide. It is important that you know this because successfully passing the exam is an imperative step to acquiring an LTO driver’s license, second only to learning how to drive. After all, just like the LTO exam, the LTO Exam Reviewer will help you become well-versed with the Philippine road and traffic rules, making you a better, more effective, and a safer driver.

When securing a driver’s license, you need to undergo an LTO exam. This exam is divided into two: the practical driving test which will test your actual driving ability and then, the written exam which will gauge how much you know of the road, the road conditions, and how to drive safely.

This article will offer you all the tips and reminders you will need as you use the LTO Exam Reviewer to prepare for your LTO exam.

lto exam reviewer guide

What is LTO Exam Reviewer

Going through an LTO exam reviewer is a good starting point when securing a driver’s license in the Philippines. After all, it is a must to know how to pass the LTO exam and prove that you have a fairly good understanding of Philippine road conditions and traffic rules.

By going through the LTO exam reviewers available online on various websites or via the LTO portal, you can sharpen your knowledge of the necessary dos and don’ts with regard to laws pertaining to driving in the Philippines, making you a more effective and safer driver.

Where to Find LTO Exam Reviewers

If you want to start checking out the available LTO exam reviewers online, here are some places where you can find them:

  • Via the LTMS online resources e-learning site. 

You may check the Land Transportation Management System (LTMS) website’s E-Learning section. This is accessible regardless of whether you’re logged in to the portal or not, so you can still access some, if not all, of the online learning modules available there.

  • Via Third-Party Materials online

The LTMS e-learning modules are not the only available resources for LTO exam Reviewers. There are other third-party resources that exist online or in driving schools (if you attended one).

  • Via the video resources online.

Hated reading? You don’t have to feel distressed. You can simply go through the videos, via the LTMS or by looking at bite-sized videos posted online, either on Youtube or Tiktok. 

If you are as keen as you claim to be, it won’t hurt to take it a step further by doing more than just reading through the LTO exam reviewers. You could also brush up on the essentials using the exam reviewers usually given out by the LTO upon issuance of the LTO student permit.

Reviewing the LTO exam reviewers can be quite useful. Not only does it help you prepare for and pass the LTO exam—a requirement before you can apply for the LTO driver’s license in the Philippines, but it also gives your the opportunity to practice taking and passing the LTO written exam multiple times before taking the actual one. 

Sections Covered in the LTO Exam Reviewer 

The LTO exam reviewer, just like the actual LTO written exam come in both Filiino and English versions. Just like the actual exam, it covers multiple topics divided into the following sections and is randomly given as multiple-choice quizzes.

LTO Exam Reviewer English Sections

  • Signs and markings 

This section covers questions on road signs, lane markings, and other road markings.

  • Parking 

Under this section, the questions are restricted to the rules and restrictions relating to vehicle parking in the Philippines.

  • Emergencies 

This section includes questions about what to do during driving emergencies like in cases of mechanical failures and accidents.

  • Road position 

Under this section, questions on where you should position your vehicle while driving can be found.

  • Violations and penalties 

This section includes questions regarding what happens if you commit a driving offense.

  • General knowledge 

This includes basic driving knowledge every motorist should know.

  • Handing and driving 

For this part, aspiring drivers are tested on the know-how of driving the optimal way.

Filipino LTO Exam Reviewer Tagalog Sections

  • Mga palatandaan at marka 

Much like the English version, this section covers road signs, lane markings, and other road markings, only in Filipino.

  • Pagparada 

Under this section, the questions are restricted to the rules and restrictions relating to vehicle parking in the Philippines.

  • Kagipitan 

This section covers emergencies and what to do during driving emergencies like in cases of mechanical failures and accidents.

  • Posisyon sa kalsada 

Under this section, drivers are tested on whether they know where they should position their vehicle while driving or not.

  • Paglabag at mga parusa 

This section covers questions on what happens if you commit a driving offense.

  • Pangkalahatang kaalaman 

This section tests whether the driver has the basic driving knowledge every motorist should have.

  • Pagmamaniobra at pagmamaneho 

For this part, aspiring drivers are tested on the know-hows of driving the optimal way.

Video: Guide to LTO Exam Reviewer Light Vehicle

Check out this video below which features a guide to LTO Exam Reviewer Light Vehicle. This helpful tutorial will provide you with an overview of the exam, including different topics and sections as well as tips for making the most of your exam time.

From understanding what to expect on the day of your test, to familiarizing yourself with important criteria, this video is a great resource for every Filipino driver.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following list of common questions and answers about the LTO exam reviewer can help you become more familiar with the actual LTO exam:

1. What are the passing scores in the LTO written exam?

The passing score for the LTO written exam varies as follows:

  • Those who are looking to acquire a Non-professional driver’s license (NPDL), they need to score at least 30 correct answers out of 40 questions (30/40).
  • Those who are looking to get a Professional driver’s license (PDL) need at least 45 correct answers out of 60 questions (45/60).

2. How can I pass the LTO exams?

To pass the LTO exam and secure a driver’s license, you need to pass both the actual driving test and LTO written exam.

3. How can you tell if the person passed or failed the written exams? 

There are tell-tale signs that can help you know for sure whether you passed or failed the LTO written exam.

  • First, if you passed, your name will be called and you will be ushered to the venue for the practical driving test.
  • If you failed the test, your name will be called and you will be asked to re-enter the exam room for more information about how to take it again after a month. This includes having to go through everything—from the application process to the photo and signature-taking and written exams—all over again.

Note: You may only take the exam for a limited number of tries, so do try to make sure you don’t take the attempts for granted.

4. How many questions are there in the LTO written exams?

Depending on the exam, the number of questions will vary. There are at least 40 questions for the non-professional license exam, and 60 questions for the professional driver’s license exam.

5. What is an LTO written test for a driver’s license?

The LTO written test is a 40 (non-pro) to 60 (pro) item exam that consists of questions about road and traffic rules in the Philippines. It also includes questions on pavement and road markings as well as weight and height restrictions. 

6. Is there a practical exam for a non-pro license?

Yes, aside from the written or theoretical examination there is an actual driving test that you must pass to be able to get a non-pro driver’s license.

7. What happens if I fail my LTO driver’s license test?

A driver’s license applicant may retake the LTO written exam one month after failing either or both written and actual driving tests. If the applicant fails on the second attempt, then they will have to wait for one year to be able to reapply. Lastly, failure to pass the driving test on the third try means having to wait for another two years before you can reapply again.

8. What are the topics covered by the LTO written exam?

The questions are conveniently broken into six different sections, including:

  • Signs and markings 
  • Parking 
  • Emergencies 
  • Road position
  • Violations and penalties 
  • General knowledge 
  • Handing and driving


An LTO exam reviewer can be quite useful. Sure, you aren’t taking tests the way you did as a student, but since the questions are given in the multiple-choice format, it can be somehow confusing so it’s best to practice and stay on your toes. Even if you used to be a good student, making sure you will pass the LTO written exam may take more than just reading, so you can always access the available materials from the LTMS as well as from the other sites online. 

With this guide, we hope you’ll take the LTO exam reviewers seriously and appreciate its usefulness in helping you prepare for the LTO exam. Plus, we also hope you can pass the LTO written exams on your first try and avoid the hassle of having to reapply all over again with the help of these LTO exam reviewers. 

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