LTO Online Exam Reviewer Answer Key

If you’ve tried your hand at the mock LTO Exam using the LTO Online Exam Reviewer posted on our site, then it’s about time to see how well you’ve done. This answer key offers the answers that the Land Transportation Office (LTO) provided to the typical driving and road safety questions. Some may not necessarily make sense, but this Answer Key included explanations to justify the answers provided. 

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lto online exam reviewer answer key

100-Question LTO Online Exam Reviewer Answer Key

Take this Answer Key to check how well you did in the LTO exam reviewer we provided for you. Just make sure you answered everything first before you check the answers so it doesn’t defeat the purpose of the review.


1. The correct answer is A, C, D, E. 

If your vehicle breaks down on an expressway, it is important that you open your trunk and hood, and hang something white on your car door handle if you possibly can. This will indicate that you need help. You also need to call for assistance, turn on your hazard warning lights, and stay away from the expressway.

2. The correct answer is C.

When the tire has a blowout, it suddenly becomes so much more difficult for the wheel to rotate. Since it also has a smaller radius, this makes the car pull into the direction of the blown out tire.

3. The correct answer is D.

You must do everything that you can to allow it to pass. You can pull to the right to give the ambulance more room and avoid slowing down shortens its time of exposure to danger (i.e. the time it takes to overtake you).

4. The correct answer is A, C.

Using the gap under the hood, that is, if the window hasn’t completely smashed, and your vision through the side window, you need to hit the brakes gently and pull over to the right.

5. The correct answer is A.

In the official LTO reviewer, the answer is “A” so this is what you must select in the actual LTO examination. However, it doesn’t really make sense to do this in an actual situation, as there are cases when picking up or even moving an injured person by yourself, especially if you’re unsure about the extent of the injury, can cause more problems instead. For example, if you’re not an expert, people who sustained injuries on their neck or back could get worse when mishandled by an amateur. In such cases, it is best to call an ambulance and let the paramedics do their job, which includes picking them up and bringing them to the nearest hospital.

6. The correct answer is B.

You should never step too hard on the brake during a skid. Instead, get your foot off the accelerator and brake pedals and steer gently in the direction you want the vehicle to go to.

7. The correct answer is A.

After a car crash, the first thing that you need to do is to check the condition of people involved in the accident. Once you have seen the extent of the problem, call an ambulance or a physician so victims can get immediate medical attention.

8. The correct answer is B.

The back end is likely to swing out first with the same side as the blowout. That said, you can expect it to sway from side to side.

9. The correct answer is C.

It is for this reason that drivers like yourself are advised to always carry an EWD (Early Warning Device). It is used so you can warn other road users regarding your stalled or disabled vehicle — protecting yourself and the other road users as well.

10. The correct answer is B.

If you are the first person to arrive at the scene, it’s best to approach the scene cautiously and park at a safe distance which is at least 100 feet away. You should also turn on your hazard lights, assess the situation, and install your Early Warning Device (EWD) when it is safe for you to do so. After you have done these, then you should now call 911 for help.

General Knowledge

1.  The correct answer is A.

Article IV Section 34 states that,

Brakes. – Every motor vehicle with four or more wheels shall be provided with a dual hydraulic brake system so that in case of hydraulic line failure affecting the braking efficiency of any of the four wheels at least either the front or rear wheels shall retain normal braking capabilities. In the absence of such dual braking system every motor vehicle with four or more wheels shall be provided with safety valve devices of such design and make so that failure of the hydraulic braking system of the vehicle because of leakage in the line or other parts of the system will not affect all wheels but rather render at all times effective the braking power of either the two front wheels or the two rear wheels when brakes are applied. 

This requirement, however, does not apply to motor vehicles equipped with a pneumatic braking system.

2. The correct answer is A.

This is very self-explanatory. If you drive recklessly and while  under the influence of alcohol, you have a very bad driving habit. Plus, it is also illegal.

3. The correct answer is A.

Imposed or authorized speed limits on roads are recommended under the assumption that the roads are in the best condition (i.e. dry, without potholes or heavy traffic, good lighting). If you’re driving at night in an expressway with poor lighting, then you wouldn’t want to drive close to the max speed limit; instead you’d want to drive slower than the maximum speed limit but not slower than the minimum speed limit because it’s the safe way to do so.

4. The correct answer is C.

Imposed speed limits on roads are recommended under the assumption that the roads are in the best condition (i.e. dry, without potholes or heavy traffic, good lighting). Let’s say you’re driving at night in an expressway with poor lighting, you wouldn’t want to drive close to the max speed limit; instead you would want to drive slower than the maximum speed limit and not slower than the minimum speed limit because it’s safer to do so.

5. The correct answer is B.

Drivers like you can easily avoid getting a fixed-stare if you would constantly check your mirrors and turn your head (which you should always do when driving) when changing lanes or making a turn.

6. The correct answer is B.

It’s mandated by the law that all passengers aged 7 years old and above must wear seatbelts.

7. The correct answer is C.

The maximum speed limit on expressways is 100kph for cars and motorbikes that are at least 400cc; and 80kph for trucks and buses. The minimum speed on expressways is 60kph.

8. The correct answer is C.

Based on the actual LTO exam the answer is “self-discipline by drivers and obeying traffic rules and regulations”. Actually this doesn’t make sense as drivers and motorists have no control over the integrity of others. Drivers and motorists can exercise self-discipline and obey traffic rules and regulations, but it wouldn’t stop crooked enforcers from finding ways to make profit out of it. It is impossible to eliminate another person or organization’s corruption by being uncorrupt. The best thing they can do is to learn and understand the road and traffic rules and signs and to install a dashcam to avoid getting tricked by crooks dressed as an enforcer.

9. The correct answer is A.

Defensive drivers maintain focus on the road, keep their hands at the wheel at 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock position, and refrain from doing other tasks like texting, eating, or applying makeup while driving.

10. The correct answer is C.

The requisite for a DOT franchise for a motor vehicle is its LTO registration.

11. The correct answer is C.

The Philippine Clean Air Act is a comprehensive air quality management policy and program which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for all Filipinos. 

12. The correct answer is A.

When apprehended for specific traffic violation, your driver’s license shall be considered for suspension or revocation.

13. The correct answer is C.

Driver’s license suspension would be a result of any of the designated traffic violations penalized with suspension. In order to regain your license back you’ll have to comply with the penalty and fines of the specific violation.

14. The correct answer is B.

The earliest age you can obtain a driver’s license is at 17 years old. By this age you can apply for and get a student permit or a Non-professional driver’s license.

15. The correct answer is C.

As insinuated by the name itself, a pre-trip inspection is done before hitting the road. The most important reason to do it is for your safety as it can be very dangerous to go out on the road with damaged brakes, compromised wiring, or unsecured load. This especially applies to trucks and other heavy vehicles, though cars and even motorbikes should be checked as well. 

Handling & Driving Motor Vehicles

1. The correct answer is C.

It is a must for drivers to always signal their intentions, whether they are turning left or right, or changing lanes.

2. The correct answer is A.

Having visuals of the wheels of the vehicle you’re following is a good indicator that you’re not too close and that you have ample and safe stopping distance.

3. The correct answer is A.

During the night, it’s much harder to recognize sudden stops. Because of this, your reaction time would also be slower, so it’s best to always leave a bigger gap between you and the vehicle you’re following to avoid accidents.

4. The correct answer is C.

Failure to turn your headlights on is against the law as it could put you and other road users in danger.

5. The correct answer is A.

If you’re driving with your headlights on, make sure to dim them when you’re at least 150 meters (500 ft) from any oncoming vehicle, so you don’t blind the oncoming driver. If you’re within 60 to 90 meters (200-300 ft) of the vehicle you are following you must use low-beam lights.

6. The correct answer is A.

When backing up, you must turn your head and body to the right so you can see through the back window. You can also drape your right arm over the back of the seat to improve your balance as you do this.

7. The correct answer is C.

When backing up, turn to your right so you can see through the back window. Turn your head and body to the right until you can see clearly through the back window. You can drape your right arm over the back of the seat to improve your balance as you do this.

8. The correct answer is A.

It’s better to make the turn at the next intersection or just go straight ahead and make a U-turn.

9. The correct answer is C.

If you’re driving through water or flood, you must do so at a snail-pace first, around 2-5 kph. You also need to drive slowly and steadily so you don’t disturb the water too much and risk water entering the exhaust pipe of your motor vehicle.

10. The correct answer is C.

The faster a vehicle is going, the closer it is to losing control, especially when you hit the brakes hard. So, it’s always better to brake gently but with a steady pressure.

11. The correct answer is B.

When the road is wet, it is safest to drive at a moderate speed because there’s less friction between your tires and the road.

12. The correct answer is B.

You need to do this as a precaution to warn the vehicle that you are about to overtake him.

13. The correct answer is B.

On an expressway, you’re driving at a higher speed. That’s why there are deceleration lanes and signs to give you enough room and time to stop before your exit, so you need to begin to slow down as soon as you see them.

14. The correct answer is A.

The faster your speed is, the more constrained your steering and braking inputs would be. That’s why braking suddenly at high speed would usually result in loss of control, thereby increasing your risk and hazard.

15. The correct answer is C.

It’s not mandatory, but blowing your horn is always a good measure and a safe way to approach and drive through a curve, especially on a mountain.


1. The correct answer is B.

When parking at night, you need to make sure to turn your parking lights on in order to let other road users know that you are parked. You need to observe road courtesy, too, by parking your vehicle at designated parking bays so you aren’t bound to obstruct other vehicles.

2. The correct answer is A.

In the Philippines, it has been the habit of motorists to load and unload passengers at the rightmost side of the road even though it’s illegal most of the time. It’s best to load or unload on designated stops to avoid obstructing other road users behind you.

3. The correct answer is A.

When parking on an uphill road where there’s no curb, you should always turn your wheels toward the side of the road.

4. The correct answer is A.

Parking on or within a few meters from the approach side of a pedestrian lane will cause your vehicle to obscure the pedestrians’ view of the road and prevent other vehicles driving towards the crossing from seeing the pedestrians. It is particularly dangerous, too.

5. The correct answer is B.

If you’re going to leave your car, it’s best practice to turn off your engine and pull the handbrake.

6. The correct answer is C.

Parking right in front of a fire hydrant is illegal and may subject the offender to a penalty of fine. If you need to park near a fire hydrant, you must do so with a distance of at least 5 meters.

7. The correct answer is A.

You might mistake a passenger loading and unloading vehicle for a parked one. This could be dangerous especially when making a turn in front of them. If you are unsure, you can blow your horn and cautiously make the turn.

8. The correct answer is A.

When parking downhill, always turn the wheels away from the sidewalk curb. The wheel should gently touch the curb. The curb can help to stop the vehicle from rolling forward especially in case your parking brakes fail.

9. The correct answer is A.

Hazard lights are also referred to as four-way emergency flashers. If you need to park on the side of the road, you must turn on your hazard lights so you can warn other road users.

10. The correct answer is C.

When parking at any intersection or a stop sign, you need to make sure you are at least 6 meters away from the intersection stop line.

11. The correct answer is B.

Parking lights should always be used when parking, especially in places or situations where it might be difficult for other road users to see you, as it can be hazardous for them to not be able to see you.

12. The correct answer is A.

Never park on crosswalks or pedestrian lanes. These places should always remain clear and unobstructed, especially when their green light is on. If you happen to stop on a crosswalk because of a red light, try to move forward or backward if possible, so you could clear the crosswalk.

13. The correct answer is A.

It’s illegal to park at the entrance of a hospital or fire station. It’s actually not good to park at entrances of any establishments to avoid being an obstruction in cases of emergency.

14. The correct answer is C.

When parking at any intersection, make sure to leave a distance of at least 6 meters between your car and the intersection stop line.

15. The correct answer is A.

It is never okay to double park – it’s illegal.

Road Position

1. The correct answer is A.

Left lanes are meant for faster vehicles. This is why the left lane is also known as the passing or overtaking lane.

2. The correct answer is C.

When a driver in front of you is pointing his left hand downwards to the ground, this is a signal that he is about to make a stop.

3. The correct answer is A.

Driving is not a competition, so if an oncoming vehicle has already crossed the centerline to overtake, the best and safest thing for you to do is to give way.

4. The correct answer is A.

It’s easier to accelerate on downhill roads than uphill roads, so vehicles going downhill must yield to vehicles going uphill.

5. The correct answer is C.

Part of common road courtesy is to dim your lights when you see another car to avoid having the other driver blinded by your headlights. If they dim their headlight, it means they are dazzled by yours, so you need to dim your headlights, too.

6. The correct answer is C.

When following behind a vehicle, you need to make sure to leave a safe tailgate distance. The following driver needs time to adjust in case the traffic suddenly slows down. This is why many countries follow a 2-second rule (in the Philippines) and 3-second rule of thumb as a safe tailgating distance.

7. The correct answer is A.

Never overtake in an intersection, or when you are about to climb a bridge or skyway that has no opposite lane dividers. This is because oncoming vehicles on top of the skyway would not be visible.

8. The correct answer is A.

When a driver in front of you is pointing his left arm and hand upwards, this is a signal that he is about to turn right.

9. The correct answer is A.

The safest thing to do even if you have the right of way is to not force your right. This is especially so when you are approaching an intersection or a roundabout. It is best and safest to slow down or even stop if necessary before going through it.

10. The correct answer is A.

If the driver of an oncoming vehicle fails to dim his headlights, look down toward the right side of the road to avoid being blinded.

11. The correct answer is C.

If there is no oncoming traffic at a “Give Way” junction or roundabout you are approaching, just join the road as usual. But remember to stop, if there is traffic, and give them the right of way.

12. The correct answer is C.

When you’re driving in the wrong lane make sure to look at your mirrors, and over your shoulder to see if it’s safe to change lanes and make the turn.

13. The correct answer is C.

Never use the road’s shoulder, sidewalk, or bike lanes to pass. Motor vehicles should not drive in these pathways.

14. The correct answer is B.

In a roundabout, the vehicles already in the roundabout always have the right of way.

15. The correct answer is C.

When you’re about to do a left or U-turn, make sure to give way to oncoming vehicles first.

Signs & Markings

1. The correct answer is C.

Crossing a broken white line doesn’t violate any traffic rule, but before you do so, make sure that it’s safe and that you won’t interfere or obstruct traffic.

2. The correct answer is B.

This warning sign indicates that the road ahead narrows.

3. The correct answer is B.

Always approach with caution or slow down when approaching an intersection, especially when there’s a flashing yellow traffic light.

4. The correct answer is B.

Information signs, as the name suggests, inform you of relevant information for your journey, like distances to the next town or state highway numbers. They are generally rectangular and come in different sizes and colors.

5. The correct answer is C.

Compulsory signs tell you what you absolutely must or must not do. They are usually red or blue in color and come in various shapes of circle, octagon, rectangle, and reverse triangle.

6. The correct answer is C.

In more developed countries, they use either solid or broken yellow lines to separate traffic going in opposite directions.

7. The correct answer is B.

This sign warns of road construction ahead.

8. The correct answer is C.

This sign is a warning that there is a train rail track ahead.

9. The correct answer is C.

Red traffic light means stop, so you need to make a complete stop just right before the stop line.

10. The correct answer is B.

This is a speed limit sign that indicates a speed limit of 30kph.

11. The correct answer is A.

Warning signs are there to alert drivers to a specified hazard on the road ahead or in the area. These signs are in place in order to warn you, so be careful for your own safety, the safety of other road users, the safety of nearby animals, or the safety of road workers carrying out the maintenance.

12. The correct answer is B.

If there is no oncoming traffic at a ‘Give Way’ junction or roundabout you are approaching, just join the road as usual. But remember to stop, if there is traffic, and give them the right of way.

13. The correct answer is B.

Diamond-shaped road signs warn drivers of hazards ahead. Most of them have yellow backgrounds, though some can have orange.

14. The correct answer is A.

This sign is a warning that you are about to approach a dangerous curve to the left.

15. The correct answer is A.

This sign is a warning of a slippery road ahead, so be cautious and prepare to slow down.

Violations & Penalties

1. The correct answer is A.

R.A. no. 10586 is also known as an Act Penalizing Persons Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs, and Other Similar Substances or the Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013.

2. The correct answer is B.

During the conduct of Field Sobriety, Chemical and Confirmatory Tests, a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that a person is driving under the influence of alcohol, dangerous drugs and/or other similar substances by apparent indications and manifestations, including overspeeding, weaving, lane straddling, sudden stops, swerving, poor coordination or the evident smell of alcohol in a person’s breath or signs of use of dangerous drugs and other similar substances, so they conduct field sobriety tests to confirm.

3. The correct answer is A.

Yes, there is a “Stereo Ban” for PUVs and PUJs, however the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) is yet to implement this law because there’s still a lot of jeepneys, buses, and UV express vehicles with car stereo.

4. The correct answer is A.

Spend time to check, clean, and maintain your vehicle properly. You’ll be surprised at how many types of violations related to vehicle equipment, parts, accessories, devices, and markings there are.

5. The correct answer is A.

Depending on the frequency of the offense, drivers who violate the provisions of HB 7774 would be fined ₱1,000 up to ₱5,000 and have their driver’s license suspended for 7 days up to one year. Vehicle operators would also be subjected to a fine of ₱5,000 to ₱15,000.

6. The correct answer is A.

To be penalized with “Reckless Driving” is actually outdated. Presidential Decree No. 1865 states that the penalty for speed contests and rallies without official permit is as follows: 

Any person who commits any act herein prohibited shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of not less than ₱20,000 but not more than ₱50,000, or imprisonment of at least two years but not more than five years, or both, at the discretion of the court.”

7. The correct answer is C.

Field sobriety tests refer to standardized tests used to initially assess and determine intoxication, such as the horizontal gaze nystagmus, the walk-and-turn, the one-leg stand, and other similar tests as determined jointly by the DOH, the NAPOLCOM and the DOTC.

8. The correct answer is C.

It is illegal to use a fake driver’s license. You need to have a legitimate driver’s license from LTO to be able to drive.

9. The correct answer is C.

The violation of Section 5 did not result in physical injuries or homicide, instead, it entails the penalty of three (3) months imprisonment, and a fine ranging from Twenty thousand pesos (₱20,000.00) to Eighty thousand pesos (₱80,000.00).

10. The correct answer is B.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, it is extremely dangerous to drive. It is also punishable by law.

11. The correct answer is A.

Provision for this law can be found in R.A. no. 10586. Also known as an Act Penalizing Persons Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs, and Other Similar Substances.

12. The correct answer is A.

The director of LTO has the authority to either suspend or revoke driver’s licenses, depending on the gravity of the series of violations you’ve committed within a period of one year.13. The correct answer is B.s.

15. The correct answer is B.

You need to pay the violation fee and fix your muffler so it isn’t noisy.

There you have it, the answer key to the LTO exam Reviewer we sent off. 

Downloading the LTO Online Exam Reviewer Answer Key PDF file

If you need to, you may download and print this Answer Key, but make sure you do not leave a mess when you download and print it from here. Likewise, the LTO Online Exam Reviewer is also available in PDF format, in case you prefer to review using the pen-and-paper approach when studying. 


Got the answers you’re looking for? We sure hope you did. In any case, if you have questions about it, you can always reach out to the LTO or check out the guide on how to pass the LTO exams online. After all, you need to pass this exam to be able to proceed with the procedures for applying for or renewing your LTO driver’s license.

For more information on how to pass the LTO Exams, you may check this guide on LTO Exams and the effective ways to Pass the Exam other than reviewing for nights on end. 

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